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UT political science dept. hosting presidential debate watch events for students

The University of Toledo Department of Political Science and Public Administration is holding its first presidential debate watch event with students 9 p.m. Monday, Sept. 26 in University Hall Room 3820.

Political science students will watch the debate between Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton and Republican nominee Donald Trump, engage in fact-checking, follow social media response and participate in a discussion and evaluation.

“The debates are the last significant events that potentially move poll numbers unless there is a sudden major economic crisis or terror attack,” Sam Nelson, associate professor and chair of the Department of Political Science and Public Administration, said. “Debates are rarely game changers, but Trump is a different kind of candidate so maybe they will have bigger effects than in the past. It’s important for students to participate in the process and see both candidates side by side answering questions about issues facing the country.”

A presidential debate watch event also is scheduled to be held Wednesday, Oct. 19 in the same location.


is UT's Media Relations Specialist. Contact her at 419.530.2077 or
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