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UT political science scholar to speak about terrorism at Perrysburg library

Three weeks before the Ohio presidential primary and several months after the attacks in San Bernardino and Paris, Dr. Joel Voss, assistant professor of political science at The University of Toledo, will lead a discussion about terrorism 7 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 23 at Way Public Library at 101 E. Indiana Avenue in Perrysburg.

Joel Voss

The presentation, titled “Terrorism in America and Abroad,” is part of the library’s Topical Tuesdays series hosted in collaboration with the League of Women Voters of the Perrysburg Area.

“What do terrorists hope to achieve and how can we best combat terrorism?” Voss said.  “I will discuss the fundamentals of terrorism and hold an open question and answer session in hopes of shedding light on one of the largest issues as voters prepare to head to the polls.”

As a political scholar, Voss focuses on international relations, political violence, foreign policy and global human rights.

Refreshments will be served at the discussion, which is free and open to the public.



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