TPS students to explore best locations for wind turbines in Toledo
May 10th, 2012 by Meghan CunninghamWhere are the appropriate locations for wind turbines in the greater Toledo area? Toledo Public School students will work to answer thatquestion at the Wind Energy Summit.
An estimated 100 students from several Toledo Public Schools classrooms – Chase STEM Academy, Harvard Elementary School, and Ottawa River Elementary School – are expected to attend the summit that will take place 9:45 a.m.-12:45 p.m. Monday, May 14 at Toledo Technology Academy, 3301 Upton Ave.
The Wind Energy Summit will engage students with hands-on models to explore realistic issues related to wind turbine locations, such as shadow flicker, ice shedding, impact on avian species and turbulence. The students also will learn about specific types of turbines by building and comparing the types of blades that enable a wind turbine to lift a heavy object or generate electrical current.
Tenth grade students at the Toledo Technology Academy with assistance from students at Woodward High School will engage the younger TPS students in the activities to help them answer the question.
The classes were invited to participate because their teachers are participants in The University of Toledo LEADERS program, which aims to improve K-12 science education to better prepare students for future careers in Northwest Ohio’s renewable energy industry.
LEADERS, which stands for Leadership for Educators: Academy for Driving Economic Revitalization in Science, is funded by a $5 million grant from the National Science Foundation. Earlier in May, the program announced its second cohort of teacher participants from Toledo Public Schools and schools in Monroe County, Michigan.
Media Coverage
The Blade (May 15, 2012)
Tags: College of Education Health Science and Human Service
Meghan Cunningham is
UT's Director of University Communications. Contact her at 419.530.2410 or
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Meghan Cunningham